Dog Takes A Bullet To Saves Mans Life
When Osmar Persico decided to take get a dog from a little pup, he had no idea that his dog Max would save his life a little over three years later. The feisty animal took two shots to defend its owner of a robbery in downtown Garibaldi, Rio Grande do Sul.
Mr Persico said with the Brazilian newspaper Globo. “I was coming from the countryside and I parked my truck in front of my business in downtown. I had left Max in the back when two men approached me and attempted the robbery.
They wanted to take the truck, but I refused to hand over my keys. That was when one of them pulled out his revolver. I just had time to dodge and scream ‘Max’”
Dog Shot Twice In Attack
Mr Persico went on to say, he was grazed by a shot in the forehead. Seeing the blood, the dog obeyed its owner and attacked the robbers. “He saw the blood and immediately came to my rescue and attacked the thieves. One of them ran off in time, but the other was pinned down being attacked by Max.” The only way the robber could save himself was to shoot Max. He shot him twice, once in the leg and once in the chest just to get away and save himself from the attack. Max saved me from the robbery and in the end, he saved my life” he says.
The robbers fled without taking anything. The injured boxer is doing well and is recovering from injuries caused by the shots.
“He had two bullet holes, one in the chest and one in the right foreleg, but he is recovering well. He is already moving, and he is a very strong, brave dog”, says veterinarian Ari Glock, who attended Max after the emergency and follows the treatment of the animal.
Max continues to live on the plot near Mr Persico’s business, as they live in an apartment close by. “We are always around, we walk every day, and this will always continue. It was already important to us, and now, for me, it will be special forever,” says Mr Persico.
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