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Dog Tricks for Independent Dogs

Dog Tricks for Independent Dogs

Training your dog can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. However, some dogs may have a more independent nature, making it challenging to engage them in training sessions. If you find yourself in this situation, worry not! In this article, we will explore various dog tricks specifically tailored for independent dogs. By using effective training techniques and understanding your dog’s unique personality, you can successfully teach them new tricks and strengthen your bond.

Understanding Independent Dogs

Before diving into the training techniques, it is essential to understand the characteristics of independent dogs. These breeds often have a strong sense of self and may exhibit a desire to do things their own way. They tend to be less responsive to commands and may require extra motivation to participate in training sessions.

Patience and Consistency

Training independent dogs requires an extra dose of patience and consistency. Keep in mind that every dog is different, and it may take longer for an independent dog to grasp a new trick compared to a more obedient breed. With patience and consistency, you can encourage your dog to participate and succeed in training sessions.

Positive Reinforcement

One of the most effective training techniques for independent dogs is positive reinforcement. Instead of punishing your dog for not following commands, focus on rewarding them for correct behavior. This motivates them to perform desired actions and helps them understand what you expect from them. Use treats, praise, and petting to reinforce their good behavior.

Engaging Activities

Incorporating engaging activities into your training sessions can capture your independent dog’s interest. Use toys, games, and interactive exercises to make training more exciting and enjoyable for them. For example, hide treats around the room and encourage your dog to find them using their sense of smell. This not only stimulates their mind but also encourages them to actively participate in the training process.

Target Training

Target training is an excellent technique to teach independent dogs specific tricks and commands. By using a target stick or your hand as a target, you can guide your dog to perform desired actions. Start by introducing the target and rewarding your dog when they interact with it. Gradually shape their behavior by giving cues and rewards, and eventually, they will associate the target with the desired action.

Dog Tricks for Independent Dogs

Trick 1: “Sit” Command

Teaching your independent dog to sit on command is a fundamental trick that establishes the groundwork for further training. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Hold a treat close to your dog’s nose and slowly move it upwards.
  2. As your dog follows the treat with their nose, their bottom will naturally lower into a sitting position.
  3. Once they are fully seated, say the word “sit” and give them the treat as a reward.
  4. Practice this command in various locations and gradually phase out the treat, replacing it with praise and affection.

Trick 2: “Stay” Command

The “stay” command is crucial for independent dogs, as it helps them understand the need to remain in one place until given permission to move. Follow these steps to teach your dog to stay:

  1. Ask your dog to sit in a designated spot.
  2. Extend your hand, palm facing them, and say “stay.”
  3. Take a step back and wait a few seconds.
  4. If your dog remains in place, return to them and reward them with treats and praise.
  5. Gradually increase the distance and duration of the “stay” command over time, always rewarding them for successful execution.

Trick 3: “Fetch” Game

The “fetch” game is an excellent way to engage independent dogs and channel their energy. Here’s how to teach your dog to fetch:

  1. Choose a toy or ball that your dog finds appealing.
  2. Throw the toy a short distance and encourage your dog to retrieve it.
  3. When your dog brings the toy back to you, reward them with praise and a treat.
  4. Repeat the process, gradually increasing the distance of the throw.
  5. Incorporate the “drop it” command, encouraging your dog to release the toy on command.

Trick 4: “Paw” Shake

Teaching your independent dog to offer their paw for a shake can be a fun and impressive trick. Follow these steps to teach the “paw” shake:

  1. Gently lift your dog’s paw and say “paw” or “shake.”
  2. Reward your dog with a treat and praise for offering their paw.
  3. Practice this trick regularly, gradually phasing out physical prompts and relying solely on verbal cues.
  4. Once your dog reliably offers their paw, you can extend the duration of holding their paw before rewarding them.

Trick 5: “Roll Over” Command

“Roll over” is a more advanced trick that can be challenging for independent dogs. However, with patience and consistent practice, it is achievable. Here’s how to teach your dog to roll over:

  1. Start with your dog in a lying down position.
  2. Hold a treat close to their nose and slowly move it towards their shoulder.
  3. As your dog follows the treat, their body will naturally roll over onto their side.
  4. Once they complete the roll, say “roll over” and reward them with a treat and praise.
  5. Practice this trick in short sessions, gradually increasing the roll’s completion until your dog can perform a full roll-over.

Remember, every dog learns at their own pace, so be patient and adapt the training techniques to suit your dog’s individual needs. By understanding their independent nature and using positive reinforcement, engaging activities, and consistent training, you will be able to teach your independent dog various tricks and strengthen your bond along the way. Happy training!


Q: What are some characteristics of independent dogs?
A: Independent dogs often have a strong sense of self and may exhibit a desire to do things their own way. They tend to be less responsive to commands and may require extra motivation to participate in training sessions.

Q: How can I train an independent dog effectively?
A: Training independent dogs requires patience and consistency. It may take longer for them to grasp a new trick compared to more obedient breeds. Positive reinforcement, using treats and praise, can motivate them to perform desired actions.

Q: How can I make training sessions more engaging for my independent dog?
A: Incorporating engaging activities like toys, games, and interactive exercises can capture your independent dog’s interest. For example, hiding treats around the room and encouraging your dog to find them using their sense of smell can stimulate their mind and encourage active participation.

Q: What is target training and how can it help with teaching tricks to independent dogs?
A: Target training involves using a target stick or your hand as a target to guide your dog to perform desired actions. By introducing the target and rewarding your dog when they interact with it, you can shape their behavior and eventually associate the target with the desired trick or command.

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Lawrence Pryor
Lawrence Pryorhttps://www.facebook.com/loveyouramazingdog/
Hi everyone, I am a dog lover/owner and a blogger for many years and I created this website to share fun and interesting stories about our wonderful dogs. They truly are our best friends.


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